Common Sea Creatures Found in Newport, Oregon

Every season, the Oregon Coast is filled with so much wildlife, from the seabirds above down to the whales below. And with the abundance of fish, it’s no surprise that this is the state where everyone heads to start their fishing journey.

But besides the thrill of catching fish, did you know that there are so many amazing sea creatures underwater? These common sea creatures found in Newport, Oregon may not be catchable, but they are definitely worth admiring when you see them from the shore or when on fishing charters!

For the sea wildlife fanatics out there, this article will show you what sea creatures you may chance upon next time you’re in Newport.


Common Sea Creatures Found in Newport, Oregon

When in Newport, you get to discover the wonderful variety of sea creatures you can view from areas like lookout points. Whether seasoned angler or not, anyone will appreciate the vast wildlife that can be found in the waters!

Here are just a few of the common sea creatures found in Newport:


Seals and Sea Lions

Seals and sea lions are actually quite common to see along the Oregon Coast, as well as in Newport. There are 2 sea lion species and 2 seal species, with some of them part of the Oregon Conservation Strategy Species list.

Here are the species to look out for:

  • Northern fur seals are the smallest members of the Otariidae family. However, they have large flippers with cylindrical ears and thick underfur for waterproof insulation. You can usually fund them on the northern coast, feeding at night while sleeping and resting throughout the day.
  • Steller sea lions are the largest member of the Otariidae family, with a slim upper body and bearlike head. They can be found in various sites, including the Columbia River down to the Rogue Reef, as well as the waters in Newport. They are gregarious and form large groups on resting areas and/or traditional rookeries.
  • The California sea lion is mid-sized among the ortiid family in Oregon. They have a slender and tapering body with small flippers, having the ability to stay underwater for up yo 20 minutes. They are found seasonally along the Oregon coast, usually occurring in Yaquina Bay to feed.
  • Northern elephant seals are one of the largest pinniped carnivores on the North Pacific Coast. They are found in Newport and in other areas around Oregon, known for setting records for the deepest dives among mammals.
  • Pacific Harbor seals have plump bodies, a large head, but have small rear flippers and short limbs. You can find them around the Oregon waters, heading ashore to estuarine mudflats, rocky headlands, sandy beaches, and/or offshore islands and rocks.

Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises

These are cetaceans-aquatic animals and are a crowd favorite when outdoors or in aquariums. There are around 80 species of dolphins, porpoises, and whales known to roam the waters. 10 of these species are found in Oregon, including Newport.


Here are some of the species you can find in the area:

  • Sperm whales would inhabit all oceans worldwide and are usually found in the area from March to November.
  • Pacific white-sided dolphins are probably one of the most abundant species found during the summer. They love deep and off-shore waters, so recreational and commercial fishers are most likely to see them.
  • Bottlenose dolphins are the most common oceanic dolphins found in tropical and temperate oceans. You can find them offshore in the summer season, eating forage fish and harvesting fish schools.
  • Dall’s porpoise has a thick body and small head, making it easy to recognize. They are the fastest among all the small cetaceans, swimming up to 35 miles an hour. However, they are usually in deep waters, not too close to land
  • Harbor porpoises are usually found close to shore, in bays, and in river estuaries. They tend to stay near the surface and come up every half-minute or so to breathe.

Sea Turtles

Sea turtles are always a wonderful sight to see when on the beach or underwater. These sea creatures are federally protected under the Endangered Species Act of 1973.

The National Marine Fisheries Services are responsible for the conservation and recovery of these creatures in the marine environment, while the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services are the leads for nesting beaches.

Here are the common species of sea turtles you can find when in Newport, Oregon:

  • Loggerhead turtles are known for their large head, hence the name. When they are adults these turtles can grow up to 3 feet long, weighing up to 250 pounds.
  • Green turtles are the biggest among the hard-shelled sea turtles, weighing between 300-350 pounds when they reach adulthood. They are named after their greenish-colored fat! These turtles would feed on algae and seagrasses primarily, as they are strict herbivores.
  • Leatherback turtles have a proposed critical habitat including Oregon waters, as they are an endangered species. While they aren’t as common as the sea turtles mentioned above, they are worth watching out for!

Other Sea Creatures

Do take note that this list did not tackle the common fish you can catch and find in Newport, which you can find here!

Besides the sea creatures mentioned above, you can also find sea stars, also known as starfish. These are spine-skinned invertebrates that would consume clams, fish, oysters, among other animals using their mouth under their bodies. Starfish can have as little as five legs, while others have over 10!

There are also sea otters, though these are actually a bit difficult to spot in Newport. You will be able to find river otters though, which are adorable creatures that are found in Newport Beach and Depoe Bay.


Wrapping It Up

If you would like to see any of these common sea creatures found in Newport, consider hiring a fishing charter like ours. Not only will you get professionals teaching and showing you where to find the sea wildlife, but you get to also learn about how to fish for certain species as well.


Contact us now for our packages and quotations, so you can get a chance to find cool sea creatures up close!

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